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Continuity Planning

June 24, 2024

Our friend John has a job at Publix. He has a good job, a comfortable salary, and a nice home. However, John has never thought about what would happen if he lost his job or became ill or injured. One day, John is involved in a car accident and is…

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Attorney Signing Documents

CTA Imposes New Small Business Reporting Requirements for 2024

January 8, 2024

If you have a small business, you will most likely have to comply with the new Corporate Transparency Act. Failure to comply with the new act has both civil and criminal penalties, including imprisonment, so it is imperative to understand if you are responsible to comply with the act.

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Planning for Your Digital Legacy

October 7, 2022

Instead of existing in photo albums and on videotapes and DVDs, most of our family photos and videos are now digital. Even if they lack commercial value, they certainly have sentimental value that you want to preserve for your family and friends. Social media accounts containing your photos and videos can also have value to your loved ones when you are gone.

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LLC Voting Rights: Who Has a Voice?

September 27, 2022

On average, 4 million new businesses are started each year in the United States. Many of those businesses are organized as limited liability companies (LLCs). Combining the benefits of a corporation and a partnership, an LLC protects its members’ personal assets from business liabilities, avoids double taxation, and provides flexibility…

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Adult using Computer

Digital Assets in the Digital Era

August 19, 2022

What happens to all of our accounts and files when we become incapacitated or pass away? Will our spouses and children have access to them? Where will they find our usernames and passwords? Who can take down our Facebook and LinkedIn pages, or would we prefer that they continue for posterity? And if we’ve saved photos, videos and other files on the cloud, who should have access to them and how long should they stay out there?

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How to Protect Your Family’s Financial Risk

October 20, 2021

Also called “Continuity Planning” our goal it to reduce any long-term risk for our businesses and family investments.  Businesses should also consider business succession plans (what happens if the unthinkable happens) or simply planning for retirement as well.

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Senior man and woman couple embracing at sunset or sunrise on a deserted tropical beach. They relay in Jakob Legal for Probate

Seniors Starting Businesses for their Contemporaries

October 29, 2020

Many entrepreneurs are successfully navigating new opportunities in serving their own peers.

Specifically, the article discusses the new career of “Patient Advocates” for the Elderly who are helping the adult or “sandwich generation” children navigate the complex and, sometimes horrific, medical system.

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How does an LLC Really Work?

September 11, 2020

The limited liability company (LLC) is a popular business structure for new businesses, but what does it really mean to own an LLC? It can provide unique opportunities to customize business ownership to fit your specific needs and circumstances. Here is what you should know about LLC ownership.

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Asset Protection


July 10, 2020

Business owners and entrepreneurs must use asset protection strategies to minimize risk to personal assets from creditor’s claims and litigation. Here a a few strategies to use to protect your assets!

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Get The Ultimate Life Organizer

There's a lot to think about when you're collecting information for your estate plan. Download our free 17 page Complete Life Organizer and make sure you have everything covered!
