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Protecting from financial risk

Protect Yourself from Fraud

March 20, 2021

Whether it’s guilting you into investing, instilling fear in you, or giving you the impression that they are professionals, con artists know exactly how to persuade you. Don’t rush yourself and don’t allow others to rush you. Take your time when making investment decisions, remain skeptical of unsolicited offers or offers that seem like they are too good to be true, and be sure that your money is always accessible.

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Understanding the Four C’s of Elder Law Ethics

March 18, 2021

There are several reasons why lawyers need to meet with your family member or friend alone for at least a part of the case evaluation process, so please don’t be alarmed or offended if you are asked to leave the room.

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A Year Of Covid, The Challenges And The Triumphs

March 2, 2021

You should be proud of yourself for any degree of victory that you have accomplished during these times, it wasn’t easy!

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Vaccine for Snowbirds

Snowbirds to get Florida Covid Vaccine

January 8, 2021

When it comes to the vaccine for COVID-19, snowbirds are equal to the rest of us.

Senior visitors spending the winter in Florida, (including some just entering the state looking for the vaccine?) along with seniors who live in the state full-time and those with medical conditions, can get the vaccine here.

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How to Celebrate Holidays with Seniors 2020

December 21, 2020

Although we really want a big family celebration where we can all celebrate the holidays together, that might not be the best idea right now. Many families are understandably trying to find other ways to be able to connect with our silver-aged loved ones during the holidays.

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End of Year Taxes and Charitable Donation

December 9, 2020

As part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Congress created a one-time $300 charitable deduction for people who do not itemize on their tax returns. To qualify, you must give cash (including paying by check or credit card) to a 501(c)(3) charity. G

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Jakob Legal helps a senior couple with Health Care Directives sitting together on plaid at sandy beach.

Its Medicare Advantage Season

November 17, 2020

Now is the annual opportunity to change medicare coverage. From Oct. 15 until Dec. 7, enrollees can shop Medicare’s marketplace for the prescription drug and Advantage plans offered by commercial insurance companies. They can also switch between fee-for-service original Medicare and Advantage.
And they will have plenty of choices: Next year, the typical Medicare enrollee will be able to choose from 57 Medicare prescription or Advantage plans that include drug coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

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Senior man and woman couple embracing at sunset or sunrise on a deserted tropical beach. They relay in Jakob Legal for Probate

Seniors Starting Businesses for their Contemporaries

October 29, 2020

Many entrepreneurs are successfully navigating new opportunities in serving their own peers.

Specifically, the article discusses the new career of “Patient Advocates” for the Elderly who are helping the adult or “sandwich generation” children navigate the complex and, sometimes horrific, medical system.

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13 Estate Planning Terms You Need to Know

October 19, 2020

Estate planning is not just for the wealthy, it is something every adult should do. Estate planning can help you accomplish any number of goals, including appointing guardians for minor children, choosing healthcare agents to make decisions for you should you become ill, minimizing taxes so you can pass more wealth onto your family members, and stating how and to whom you would like to pass your estate on to when you pass away.

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The Future of Eldercare is Bright

October 16, 2020

An organization called Hogeweykh is spreading the initiative to support all elderly individuals in living their best lives “with and despite their limitations due to dementia” with their care concept.

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Get The Ultimate Life Organizer

There's a lot to think about when you're collecting information for your estate plan. Download our free 17 page Complete Life Organizer and make sure you have everything covered!
