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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

Estate Planning and Retirement Considerations for Late-in-Life Parents

December 30, 2019

Older parents are becoming more common, driven in part by changing cultural mores and surrogate motherhood. Comedian and author Steve Martin had his first child at age 67. Singer Billy Joel just welcomed his third daughter. Janet Jackson had a child at age 50. But later-in-life parents have some special…

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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

Congrats! Your child is accepted to college… now what?

December 30, 2019

Preparing to send your son or daughter to college is one of the most exciting, and nerve-wrecking times for a parent! You’ll worry whether they will eat properly, study enough, and get enough sleep. While you can’t help these everyday concerns, you can prepare for the big ones: if your…

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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

Home Health Care Patients With Chronic Conditions Are Having Trouble Getting Medicare

December 27, 2019

Medicare is supposed to provide up to 35 hours a week of home care to those who qualify, but many Medicare patients with chronic conditions are being wrongly denied such care, according to Kaiser Health News. For a variety of reasons, many home health care agencies are simply telling patients…

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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

Costs of Some New Long-Term Care Insurance Policies Going Down in 2018

December 27, 2019

While long-term care insurance costs are up in general, some policies are going down in 2018, according to the 2018 Long Term Care Insurance Price Index, an annual report from the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance (AALTCI), an industry group. A married couple who are both 60 years old…

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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

What Happens When a Nursing Home Closes?

December 27, 2019

A nursing home closure can be traumatic for residents who are forced to move. While there may not be much that can be done to prevent a closure, residents do have some rights. Moving into a nursing home can be a stressful experience on its own. If that nursing home…

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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

Have a Happy New Year: Five Resolutions for a Stress-Free 2018

December 27, 2019

Estate planning can be an unsettling process for many people. An estate plan is the strategy you develop at any age, for your life and future, to provide yourself and your family peace of mind, so you can enjoy the years to come worry free. There are a few things…

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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

How Will the New Tax Law Affect You?

December 27, 2019

While most of the new tax law – the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — has to do with reducing the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, some provisions relate to individual taxpayers. Before we get into the details, be aware that almost everything listed below sunsets…

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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

You Can Give Away More Tax Free in 2018

December 27, 2019

After staying the same for five years, the amount you can give away to any one individual in a particular year without reporting the gift will increase in 2018. The annual gift tax exclusion for 2018 is rising from $14,000 to $15,000. This means that any person who gives away…

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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

Wealth vs. Health

December 27, 2019

I came across this great article in Forbes’ Wells Fargo Voice from last month written by Alice Lesch Kelly that I want to share: Wealth Vs. Health: Take A Balanced Approach: (Go to: Forbes for original post, mostly reproduced here). We all need balance in our lives and this article…

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Estate Planning, Wills And Trusts

How Will You Know if Your College- Aged Child is Hurt? HIPAA Laws May Mean You Won’t.

December 27, 2019

A Little Peace of Mind Goes a Long Way. You’ve tried to prepare them in every way you can for college, but how can you make sure your children will be protected when you’re not around? Are they prepared for a medical emergency? It’s hard to believe, but privacy laws…

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