How to Transfer Football Season Tickets

What You Need to Know About Transferring Your Season Tickets

In many parts of the United States, football is more than just a sport—it’s a way of life and a passion shared across generations. While fans often pass down their love for an NFL or college football team to their family, transferring season tickets is a different matter. Each team has its own policy on transferring season tickets, and they may have restrictions both during the ticket holder’s lifetime and after.

Season Tickets Are a Contract

Football has been America’s favorite sport since the 1970s. For season ticket holders, the athleticism and entertainment are part of the fun, but it’s important to pay attention to the fine print. Legally, a season ticket is a contract between the team and the ticket holder. Even though fans pay for their season tickets, the tickets are considered the team’s property. This means the team can set any terms and conditions it wants, including a ticket transfer policy. When fans purchase season tickets, they agree to comply with this policy and other terms and conditions.

A season ticket “transfer” might not be what you think. It’s not about transferring a physical ticket; it’s about changing the name on the ticket holder account. Like other contracts, a season ticket holder agreement can be lengthy and full of legal jargon. For example, the Buffalo Bills’ Season Ticket Member Agreement Terms and Conditions state that a “Transfer” is a change of ownership on an account when the name of the Official Season Ticket Member of Record changes. All transfer requests are subject to review and approval by the Bills, and they can be submitted from February 15 to March 31.

Navigating these agreements can be daunting, but it’s necessary if fans want to transfer their season tickets properly during their lifetime or after their death.

Season Ticket Transfer Policies Vary Widely by Team

Team policies on ticket holder transfer rights are as varied as team colors. Some teams have open transfer policies, while others are more restrictive. Many teams limit transfers to a single individual or certain family members, such as a surviving spouse. Some teams also have specific policies for transferring season tickets upon the ticket holder’s death. Not all teams publicly announce their policies, so the only way to find out may be to contact the ticket office.

Here are a few examples of what College Teams allow:

FSU Seminoles: If a Florida State University (FSU) season ticket holder dies, their spouse can request to transfer the opportunity to renew the tickets to them:

  • The surviving spouse will maintain the required contribution for the seats.
  • The surviving spouse will keep the same membership benefits, including priority points, contributions, parking, and Florida/Georgia tickets.
  • If the season ticket holder was receiving letterman credit at the time of death, the surviving spouse can apply that credit to the tickets. 
  • Season tickets can also be transferred to an immediate family member, such as a child. Transferable points include consecutive years as a season ticket holder. 

Florida Gators: The Florida Gators have a policy for transferring season tickets. Booster transfers are handled by the Gator Boosters Office, and the recipient’s contribution requirement will be determined by the Gator Booster Office based on the transfer policy1. Student tickets can be transferred on a game-by-game basis but only from one UF student to another UF student2.

Miami Dolphins

Unfortunately, there is a limitation on transferring your season tickets. Membership and accounts are nontransferable, including without limitation assignment or transfer to a third-party, change of names, or purported assignments to an “in care of” status. A Member may not either voluntarily or by operation of law, assign, encumber, sublicense, or otherwise transfer a Membership (collectively, “Transfer”), EXCEPT that a Member shall be permitted to Transfer a Membership (i) to an Affiliate if the Member is a partnership, corporation or limited liability company; or (ii) to Immediate Family Members as further described in the Miami Dolphins Membership Transfer Assignment Form.”

But, if you pass away, your tickets are transferable to a member of your immediate family in a probate action.

What about the NFL?

Here are a few examples of what NFL teams allow and prohibit regarding season ticket transfers:

New England Patriots: Family members of the Season Ticket Member of record can submit a request to transfer the account into someone else’s name, and the Patriots will review the request.

  • Denver Broncos: Only the personal representative or executor of a deceased season ticket holder may sign the transfer form on behalf of the ticket holder. Transfers are limited to spouses, children, siblings, and parents.
  • Green Bay Packers: Transfers to qualifying heirs are permitted upon the death of a season ticket holder using the Packers-approved transfer form and the ticket holder’s will. Only one individual can own season tickets, so if the deceased leaves their season ticket to more than one child and the children cannot agree on the new owner, the ticket reverts to the team.

Here are some other College football teams with a wide range of season ticket transfer policies:

  • Oregon State Beavers: The season ticket holder on record can transfer “the opportunity to order season tickets” to a spouse, domestic partner, or child. However, tickets cannot be transferred to a trust.
  • Alabama: Season ticket transfers are permitted only in the case of the death of a season ticket holder, and seats can be transferred only to the deceased’s surviving spouse. Alabama requires a copy of the deceased’s death certificate and a seat transfer agreement signed by the surviving spouse.

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