The Future of Eldercare is Bright

I read a wonderful article today that shared an innovative living experience that allows those elderly individuals living with dementia, the ability to live life to the fullest.  The author describes dementia as a heartbreaking syndrome

“Dementia, at its simplest definition, confuses the brain—affecting memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language, and judgment. 2

And when typical nursing homes are giving off sterile, hospital-like vibes, those experiencing dementia are just left confused as to why they’re living there.

“The result is a town where the residents are encouraged to roam freely; to stop by the grocery store, to sit at the bar with friends, have their hair done, or take a stroll through the park. Where each of the 23 houses is home to a small group of individuals matched together by interest, increasing the likelihood of forming meaningful friendships. And where life is still life: dishes are done, you can smell the food cooking on the stove, and the laundry gets folded.” 

Read more about the possibilities of how a nursing home can function here:

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