Pet Trusts

How We Can Help

Pet Trusts are for those of us who are pet lovers. Our furry family member is an important and comforting part of life, and the care and wellbeing of our family member is essential.

Through Pet Trusts, we help you protect your furry children in case you become temporarily or permanently unable to care for the pet or if you are to pass away. You don’t have to worry about who will take care of your pets and how they will be cared for.

Protecting Your Family And Your Future

Through a Pet Trust, you are providing for your pets if you are unable to!

Many people care about their pets as much or even more than their own children. While children hopefully grow up and move on; our furry children will never be able to speak for themselves.

I create Pet Trusts to enable the care of your critters when you are unable to. We designate the caregiver, provide for the use of funds for continued veterinary care and arrange your own instructions, in concrete legal language, for your pets’ continued care and well-being.

Can my pet be a beneficiary of a Pet Trust?

In an article in Forbes in 2015, Barbara Marquand writes about Pet Trusts:

“A trust, a legal entity that holds property and money for beneficiaries, is a good option to care for a pet because you can’t leave property, cash or life insurance money directly to an animal. … Your pet may be part of the family, but the law considers animals property”

"By Failing To Prepare, You Are Preparing To Fail."

Benjamin Franklin

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